During the inspection work and raids, employees of the Bokhtar region Department on 02/14/2025 revealed cases when cargo vehicles overloaded cargoes from sand and gravel processing pits in excess of the established norms and transported them along highways without a protective curtain. Protocols on administrative violations have been issued against drivers and congestion has been overloaded.
Author: Transcontrol
On February 11 of this year, departmental training of employees of the State Service on Control and Regulation in the field of Transport was held under the title “Message – a guide for the development of the country.”Rahimzoda M, the first deputy head of the Service, spoke at the exercises of this department.During the report, it was noted that the Message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Majlisi Oli of the country, presented annually on the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan, is assessed as an important analytical, political, guiding…
During inspections and raids, employees of the Hamadani-Farkhor sector on 02/04/2025 revealed cases when cargo vehicles overloaded cargoes from sand and gravel processing pits in excess of the established norms and transported them along highways without a protective curtain. Administrative violation reports were issued against 25 drivers, and 8 tons of cargo were transported
On January 11, 2025, after both sides completed the necessary internal procedures, the Agreement signed on June 19, 2020 between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on mutual Recognition of visas and on Other issues related to the entry of Foreign citizens and Stateless Persons into the territory of the States parties to the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State entered into force. According to the statements of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, the Agreement regulates the procedure for foreign citizens…
The State Service on Control and Regulation in the Field of Transport, realizing its responsibility for fully regulating the movement of heavy-duty vehicles on highways, doubled control in all cities and districts of the republic and immediately took measures against legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals who did not comply with the procedures and norms established by law in this area.Regular inspections conducted by the service staff in the cities and districts of the Gissar region showed that some truck drivers exceeded the established limit and caused damage to highways by their actions. In addition to drawing up protocols on…
On January 20, 2025, the results of the activities of the State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Certification of Works and Services in the field of Transport” in 2024 were summed up with the participation of employees of the departments of the Service structure.The achievements of the company’s activities in 2024 were evaluated with positive indicators, and the following tasks were set for the first quarter of 2025 in order to establish activities more effectively, eliminate gaps and shortcomings.
The Office of the State Service on Control and Regulation in the Field of Transport in the Bokhtar region, in order to improve the transport system and improve passenger service, conducted joint raids on the territory of the city of Bokhtar in cooperation with relevant authorities. These events were held with the main purpose of ensuring road safety and compliance with the rules established by transport companies and societies. During the raids, about 30 cases of violations were recorded and protocols were drawn up against drivers who violated legal requirements. Detected problems in the raidsThere are a number of disadvantages…
On January 13, 2025, the results of the activities of the Office on Control and Regulation of International Road Transport of the State Service on Control and Regulation in the Field of Transport for 2024 were summed up. The results of the Management’s activities in 2024 were summarized with positive indicators and tasks were assigned for the first half of 2025.
On January 13, 2025, the results of the activities of the Department of the State Service on Control and Regulation in the Field of Transport of Sughd region for 2024 were summed up.The results of the Management’s activities in 2024 were summarized with positive indicators and tasks were assigned for the first half of 2025.
On January 9, 2025, as part of the annual message of the Founder of Peace and National Unity – The Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, which was declared “2025-2030-the years of development of the digital economy and innovation”, negotiations were held between the State Service on Control and Regulation in the field of transport, represented by the head of the Service Kurbonzoda Daler Kurbon and the closed joint stock company “reasonable payment”, represented by the Director General Azizkhudzhayeva Gulomjon Marifkhuzhaevich signed a contract…