The meeting was started by the Head of the Service, who expressed concern about the provision of taxi services in the capital and the daily increase in their number, non-compliance with quotas set by taxi companies and societies in the city of Dushanbe, and dissatisfaction with the control of their activities by employees of the Department of the State Service On Control and Regulation in the Field of Transport in the city of Dushanbe. It was also noted that the instructions and instructions of the management of the service for regulating the activities of passenger taxi vehicles in the capital are not being fulfilled at the proper level.
It was noted that with the advent of electric vehicles, taxis powered by gasoline, gas and diesel fuel had to be withdrawn from transport companies and societies and replaced with electric vehicles. In this direction, the Dushanbe City Administration was firmly obliged, within the limits of quotas determined by the executive authorities of the city of Dushanbe, according to the list of companies and societies of motor transport, to issue control sheets to vehicles and take out taxis in excess of the quota. Observations show that, on the contrary, the number of illegally serviced taxis in the capital is growing, and control over their activities by employees of the Department of Services in the city of Dushanbe is poorly established. In addition, according to the information received, some employees of the Department ignore the illegal activities of taxis and do not take appropriate measures against them.
It was noted that the results of the work carried out by the Department of the Service in the city of Dushanbe to streamline the activities of taxis in the capital are insufficient, and it is necessary to strengthen control in this direction.
In order to streamline the activities of taxis in the capital, the head of the service decided that each taxi in societies and companies should be numbered, and the model and license plate should be prepared in such a way that drivers, transport companies and societies could not forge it themselves.
During the meeting, the data provided by the head of the Department of Services in the city of Dushanbe were analyzed by the head of the service, and it was noted that companies under the brands 44-44 and 33-33 most often do not comply with the established quotas, in connection with which the company’s department was instructed to withdraw all taxis exceeding the quota from the company within two weeks and accept measures against the companies themselves.
Taking into account the above, the meeting decided:
1. The Department of the State Service for Supervision and Regulation in the Field of Transport in the city of Dushanbe is obliged, within the established quota, to issue control sheets to vehicles in accordance with the list provided by passenger taxi companies and societies.
2. For each taxi vehicle, the state registration numbers of which will be received and transferred to enterprises for registration of transport companies and export companies, it is necessary to provide documentation as proof with links to the appropriate department of the municipal authority.
3. For registration and numbering of taxis, it is necessary to prepare a single license plate form, which does not allow arbitrary forgery and must be put into operation in coordination with officials of the Dushanbe city authorities.
4. Instruct the department of Firdavsi district of the Service Department in the city of Dushanbe to withdraw taxis exceeding the quota from the companies under the brands 44-44 and 33-33 within two weeks and submit written information to the head of the service.
5. The Department is instructed to strengthen control to fully regulate the activities of passenger taxi vehicles.